Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Clarified Butter / Ghee

This is very simple process of making clarified butter/Ghee when butter is available. So now no need to rush Indian grocery store for Ghee as you can make the same at home.


    Unsalted Butter                 2 boxes (each 1 lb)


   Check out your near grocery store for "Unsalted Butter" which come as organic and store brand product. Choose the one suits you, we usually prefer Land O Lake Unsalted Butter.

STAGE 1: In a milk pan add all the 8 sticks of butter and let it cook on low-medium heat for 20 minutes. Don't stir or try to check with spoon as it may mix the whey with the butter.

STAGE 2: Check as it started burning the whey and only few left. So cook on low heat with another 5-10 minutes. Check as whey start disappearing and butter turn light golden in color. Don't let it turn golden brown in color as it will burn whole butter and it will taste bitter.

STAGE 3: Now let it cool after stage 2 completely and wait until it cools off at room tempertaure. Separate whey from strainer and preserve the clarified butter in air tight container.


  • Always check if whey turns light golden in color then it's safe to close the heat else small whey in the clarified butter can grow fungus in few days.
  • Never pack hot clarified butter in air tight container as it will evaporate vapors (form of water) and fungus can grow.
  • Heat your butter on low heat as possible because high heat can burn butter quickly.

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